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AALSO (Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators)


AALSO members are the water quality and mechanical system professionals that move the water, design and maintain the systems, develop and distribute the products to manage the daily requirements for animals in our care at hundreds of facilities across the world. We care for the systems that make animal care possible. From operators to vendors and researchers to administrators, we are the premier professional organization dedicated to this multifaceted discipline. If you have ever selected or maintained a pump, glued PVC pipe, adjusted an ozonator, measured dissolved oxygen, pH or ammonia, measured flow or temperature, open or closed a valve, chances are you are less than two removes from an AALSO member!


ABEA (Atlantic Branch Equipment Assoc.)


The Atlantic Branch Equipment Association (ABEA), is a body made up of 40+ members, including manufacturers, manufacturer representatives and service providers to promote understanding and good will on the part of the Atlantic Canada Water Works Association with respect to the functions of the Atlantic Branch Equipment Association and its members.


AWWA (American Water Works Association)


The American Water Works Association is an international, nonprofit, scientific and educational society dedicated to providing total water solutions assuring the effective management of water. Founded in 1881, the Association is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world.


BCWWA (British Columbia Water & Waste Water Assoc.)


The BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) is a not-for-profit organization that represents more than 4,000 water professionals. Our members are responsible for ensuring safe, sustainable, and secure water, sewer and stormwater systems in BC and the Yukon.


OWWA (Ontario Water Works Association)


OWWA is a voluntary, not-for-profit association of more than 1,400 water industry professionals. The Association reflects the wide range of duties, responsibilities and interests of our members. OWWA has long been recognized as the authoritative ‘voice’ of the water industry.


IAPD (International Assoc. of Plastics Distribution)


The International Association of Plastics Distribution (IAPD), established in 1956, brings together manufacturers, distributors, manufacturers’ representatives and service providers in an environment which encourages a free flow of ideas and information that help members build their businesses. Every program and service we provide is designed with the simple goal of helping our members increase profitability.


MCAC (Mechanical Contractors Assoc. of Canada)


The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada is the unified voice of the mechanical contracting industry. MCA Canada represents the interest of our members through business support, educational resources, and industry advocacy. Our members are contractors of all sizes engaged in such disciplines as plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, controls systems, medical gases, welding, and fire suppression primarily within the industrial, commercial, institutional and service sectors.


MSSA (Municipal Services & Suppliers Assoc.-Western Canada)


The Municipal Service and Suppliers Association (formerly the Equipment and Contractors Association) was formed in 1995 to support the efforts of associations such as the Western Canada Water and Wastewater Association (WCW).

MWWA (Manitoba Water & Wastewater Assoc.)


MWWA is dedicated to environmental stewardship, protection of public health and advancement of water and wastewater professionals through training and educational opportunities.


OPCEA (Ontario Pollution Control Equipment Assoc.)


The Ontario Pollution Control Equipment Association comprises over 170 firms engaged in the manufacture and/or distribution of environmental and related equipment in Ontario. This site lists all the OPCEA members as well as the products, equipment and services provided by each company.




Constituant le plus important regroupement de spécialistes en environnement au Québec, Réseau Environnement est une référence incontournable en matière d’excellence, et agit comme catalyseur de solutions pour une société durable. Réseau Environnement est un organisme à but non lucratif issu de la fusion de deux associations créées il y a plus de 50 ans. L’Association représente de nombreux professionnels en environnement provenant des domaines public, parapublic et privé.

Valve Specification Guide

Valve Specification Guide

Engineering specifications are crucial as they provide precision, clarity, quality assurance and compliance in your projects. Download to save you time and assure accuracy in your specifications.

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Valve Specification Guide

Chemical Resistance Guide

Corrosion resistance is an important factor in selecting the right material of construction for valves, pipe, tubing, fittings and more. Designed to easily navigate, this guide can be downloaded for easy reference.

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Materials of Construction Cover Photo

Materials of Construction

Understanding materials of construction is essential to the accurate selection of valves, pipe, tubing, fittings and more. Designed to easily navigate, this guide can be downloaded for easy reference.

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Responsive Service

Responsive Service

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We offer expert technical support and application advice
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